Assam Police’s message on internet safety is too cool to miss

To increase awareness about important issues in a creative way, police departments across the nation are nowadays resorting to quirky social media posts. Recently, the Assam Police shared an image of a clear blue sky on Twitter, which left everyone scratching their heads. It turned out that the department very creatively shared an advisory regarding cyber security with internet users using just a simple image. The tweet has left the internet impressed as they called it “innovative” and “top-notch creative.”
The Assam Police Department posted the photo of the clear sky with their logo and a text insert, “Click here”, with an arrow pointing at the ALT (alternative text) badge of the image. When the user clicks on it, it shows a cautionary message asking users to not click on random links. It read, “Remember, don’t just ‘mouse’ around the web, ‘click’ with caution.” The pop-up also had the hashtag #ThinkBeforeYouClick. The caption read, “Click to know more!”
Check out the tweet here:

Click to know more!
— Assam Police (@assampolice) May 10, 2023

Users were highly appreciative of this creativity and applauded the Assam Police for taking such actions. While some claimed that it is a good initiative to educate internet users about cyber fraud, there were a few who offered suggestions for a workshop to spread this awareness in the village areas of the state too.
A Twitter user wrote, “Very good initiative to educate people from cyber frauds. But, this should be on WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram as well as people/youths prefer more these platforms than Twitter.”

Very good initiative to educate people from cyber frauds. But, this should be on WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram as well as people/youths prefer more these platforms than Twitter.
— Npal D.

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