Man gets humorous 'life-lesson' from WhatsApp exchange with scammer

You may already know about a scam happening on instant messaging apps, where scammers deceive people by offering fake job opportunities. These scams often promise lucrative positions, flexible working hours, and attractive compensation packages. However, the intention behind these false promises is to manipulate innocent victims into sharing sensitive personal information or making monetary transactions. While some individuals have unfortunately been tricked by this scam, many others are staying cautious and retaliating against the scammers. Recently, a person’s WhatsApp conversation with a scammer has become a source of amusement on the internet. Mahesh, a Twitter user, shared his funny encounter with the caption, “a whatsapp scammer taught me a valuable lesson today”, along with screenshots of their conversation.
Through text messages, the scammer reached out to Mahesh with a potential job offer. Being familiar with such scams, Mahesh decided to play along and responded that he was actually seeking companionship rather than employment. At first, the scammer disregarded Mahesh’s response and persisted with the job pitch. However, eventually, the scammer advised Mahesh, stating that while making friends is nice, making money is more important. According to the scammer, life is not solely about love and friendship, but also about ensuring one’s own survival in this world.
The exchange between Mahesh and the scammer carried on, with the scammer persistently urging Mahesh to prioritise making money for himself and disregard the idea of making friends. While being entertained by the scammer’s attempts, Mahesh continued to interact with him without falling for the scam.

a whatsapp scammer taught me a valuable lesson today

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