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Web pages Philosophy

  1. History of the Philosophy of Language
         New World Encyclopedia's overview and history of the philosophy of language.
  2. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
         Article by Kenneth Einar Himma reviewing the argument's development through Anselm, Aquina
  3. Philosophy of Language in Classical China
         Historical overview by Chad Hansen of interpretations of language in the major schools of
  4. Philosophy Time Line
         A chronological list of major philosophers.
  5. Philosophy, Culture and Agency
         Matthew Ray reviews this book by Elliot L. Jurist. From Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
  6. Pragmatism and the Philosophy of Language
         Wide-ranging article by Danielle MacBeth. From the Wilfrid Sellars' archive.
  7. Religious Affiliation of Great Philosophers
         21 philosophers listed according to their religious affiliation, with bibliography.
  8. The Ontological Argument from Anselm to Gödel
         A selected bibliography on the ontological argument, with particular attention to the hist

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