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PM Democrats sue Texas governor over vetoing pay after walkout Texas Democratic lawmakers are suing Republican Gov. Greg Abbott after he vetoed Capitol paycheck funds because they walked out to block sweeping new
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meets with family of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin, Blake joins by phone Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris is on the ground in the battleground state Wisconsin Monday for her first campaign trip since
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More results from abcnews.go.com ]
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Shooting 50 Czech Republic Stepanka HILGERTOVA Canoe/Kayak 51 Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Mun Il PANG MUN IL Athletics 52 Democratic Republic of Congo Franka MAGALI Athletics 53 Democra
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Marcos Baghdatis Tennis 52 Czech Republic Petr Koukal Badminton 53 Democratic People's Republic of Korea Pak Song-Chol Athletics 54 Democratic Republic of Congo Ilunga Mande Zatara Athletics 55 Denmark Kim Wra
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More results from www.olympic-museum.de ]
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JP" Japan JO" Jordan KZ" Kazakhstan KE" Kenya KI" Kiribati KP" Korea, Democratic People's Republic of KR" Korea, Republic of KW" Kuwait KG" Kyrgyzstan LA" Lao People's Democratic Republic LV" Latvia LB" Lebanon LS"
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- Canada, Conservative Party of Canada, Liberal Party of Canada, New Democratic Party, (Canadian Federal Political Parties) 324.273 Political parties - United States, Democratic Party (U.S.), Republican Party
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no previous artist has ever before or ever since achieved. With the new democratic philosophies came a new ascendant respect for all mankind. " Liberté, Fraternité, Egalité ," cried the French; and
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all of whom were to participate in the benefits of newly free and democratic societies as the eighteenth century origins led to nineteenth century codification and twentieth century implementation. It started
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More results from www.artrenewal.org ]
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July-August C‑SPAN televises live, uninterrupted coverage of the Democratic and Republican National Conventions for the first time. This gavel-to-gavel convention coverage continues through all presidential e
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On the Farm, & at the Movies Jul 04, 2021 2:00am EDT C-SPAN2 Former Democratic Kansas Congressman and Agriculture Secretary in the Clinton Administration Dan Glickman talks about his life and career in public
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More results from www.c-span.org ]